television dramas drawn on the london underground
the task we were assigned was to come up with as many television dramas as we could think of and catagorize them so they would fit on the underground map. each station for each drama. each line would be a different genre and if a line overlapped the drama would have to have multiple genres to fit the criteria of the map.
to start of with we listed as many dramas as we could and then had to put them in catagries. we sorted them out and then made a subway system shape on the whiteboard connecting each of the dramas together. to begin with we weren't sure what we were achieving but soon realised what the task was asking of us. finding dramas that would fit multiple genres was the most challenging aspect.

we then researched the amount of dramas we would need for each line. some lines had 60 stations on. in order for the task to be successful we would have to come up with 60 dramas of a certain genre.
as a group we realised that we would need to work around kingscross station because it had 5 lines passing through it. we would need a drama that had 6 possible genres. we came up with afew ideas and in the end we decided on eastenders. we would now work around eastenders filling in the gaps. this made it easier in the long run. it was still a difficult task to do.
everyone got assigned jobs. although it didn't start out like this, we realised it would be the easiest way to approach such a difficult task. i was the one who assigned everyones jobs. people didn't seem to mind, in fact we worked quite well together. afew people had laptops out and were researching there assigned genre, finding as many dramas as they could. other people were writing down the dramas on A1 paper in a more clear and organized way. other people were writing on the interactive whiteboard suggestions that could fit the map. the map was enlarged on the screen. i made sure everyone had something to do and kept an eye on the map to make sure everything was fitting together. communication skills were exellent during the task. apart from when people all talked at once but im pleased to say that those moments were few and far between.
although we didn't finish the task, or should i say havn't finished it yet, we managed to give most of the lines a genre and worked out numerous dramas that could go where lines overlapped. we put those on the map as soon as we found them. theres still alot to do. give us afew more days and it should be working.