american detective dramas

detective dramas - american
private investigator was a very popular genre on american tv in the late 1950's. over the years though the genre adapted and changed considerably. including the first female private eye appearing in honey west (1965-1966).

TJ Hooker (1982-1985) - The show starred William Shatner

honey west (1965-1966) - one of the first female private detectives in popular fiction

Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer (1958-1960) - followed the adventures of fictional private detective Mike Hammer

77 Sunset Strip (1958-1964) - based on Warner Brothers 1958 film Girl on the Run

kojak (1973-1978) - based around New York City Police Department Detective Lieutenant Theo Kojak

The Adventures of Ellery Queen (1950-51)- american sherlock holmes

Boston Blackie (1951-53) - syndicated in 1951, it ran for 58 episodes, set in Los angeles. and the character enjoyed the use of a several exotic sports cars.

The Rockford Files (1974-80) - James Garner starred as Jim Rockford, and had an agile Pontiac Firebird.

Perry Mason (1957-66) - The theme song was Park Avenue Beat by Fred Steiner

Peter Gunn (1958-61) - A total of 114 thirty-minute episodes were produced

The Untouchables (1959-64) - Based on the memoir of the name by eliot ness and oscar fraley

Charlie's Angels (1976-81) - about three women who work for a private investigation agency, and is one of the first shows to showcase women in roles traditionally reserved for men.

Tenafly (1973-74)- centred around a black private eye