major issues

lighting - to overcome the problem with lighting, i could have a practice shoot using the less expnsive cameras the week before my actual shoot. this means that i'll have a week to look over my shooting and i can determine what times to shoot.

tracking shots - some of my tracking shots are going to be impossible to do using a crane or a track, because the ground is so rough at my location. one thing i could do is move the camera slowly during my shots and then speed up later on during editing.

i could also construct platforms for the camera to move accross for the straight tracking shots. there's scrap metal at my location. i could use this to construct my platforms and then have someone move the camera along one with minor movement.

time i need camera - i can share the camera with philippa. because there's only a few good cameras, if i share it with philippa, i can still use it with out having to travel a great distance to ge it. philippa lives about 4 miles away. an easy distance to travel.

weather - although februray isn't the best month for shooting in, all i need is for the weather to be consistant so my shots don't look silly when some are of snow and some are of clear skies. i would rather have is clear and dry, but nobody can pretict how the weathers going to turn out.

who can help me during filming -

most of my friens live in the same village as where the location is for my shoot, so finding people to help me shouldn't be a problem. they can help me by steadying the camera during tracking shots and help me construct the platforms for some f the shots. i'll also end up using some of my friends to act in it as well. i need two rough looking teenagers, i know just the two.