both of the film openings have music. this is the main feature for the introductions because it's the thing that gives the title scene it's rhythm and pase. you can clearly see that the editing has been based around the score and it compliments the music nicely. the music for blueberry is
mostly orchestral where as flash gordons music was done by a rock band. queen did the song 'flash'. sound effects are used for both of the openins. flash gordon used wind gails and explsion sounds for when emperer ming is destroing earth. blueberry has sound effects all the way through the sequence including a small child talking and animal noises. all sounds help us establish what the films about. flash gordon is a traditional comic book theme with he 'sav the world' idea. where as the sound for blueberry suggests that the film will follow a boy in the wilderness, which it does.
although both have music and sound in the opening, there are quite a lot of differences as well. flash gordon includes images from the actual comic with in it's opening sequence. ll of the images used in the opening titles show what's included in the film. for example, there are images of emperer mings palace and vultans flying army. these are all aspects of the film. blueberry doesn't have any images from the comic book in the film opening what so ever. blueberry is made up of fire and celtic style art clips.
flash gordon is primarily animated with effects such as fly across and moving images. blueberry is mostly layered film with fade outs. the effects used on flash gordon speed up the sequence and compliment the music well. although much older than the titles for blueberry, the titles used in flash gordon don't look aged much at all. in fact, i prefer them because they work well with the film and
it's a nice dedication to the art work from the comic book.
flash gordon has dialogue at the beginning right before the titles begin. this is a nice alternative to having to watch titles first which can sometimes get rather tedious. it's the same kind of layout james bond films have. they start off with the pre credit sequence to interest the viewer before sowing the contributers to the film.
neither do anything fancy with the writing of the titles. they only appear and fade out. there aren't any effects on them. the titles in flash gordon are yellow which goes makes a nice contrast to the black background. the colour reflcets joy and happiness so it suggests the film will be easy viewing and exciting.

although both have music and sound in the opening, there are quite a lot of differences as well. flash gordon includes images from the actual comic with in it's opening sequence. ll of the images used in the opening titles show what's included in the film. for example, there are images of emperer mings palace and vultans flying army. these are all aspects of the film. blueberry doesn't have any images from the comic book in the film opening what so ever. blueberry is made up of fire and celtic style art clips.
flash gordon is primarily animated with effects such as fly across and moving images. blueberry is mostly layered film with fade outs. the effects used on flash gordon speed up the sequence and compliment the music well. although much older than the titles for blueberry, the titles used in flash gordon don't look aged much at all. in fact, i prefer them because they work well with the film and

flash gordon has dialogue at the beginning right before the titles begin. this is a nice alternative to having to watch titles first which can sometimes get rather tedious. it's the same kind of layout james bond films have. they start off with the pre credit sequence to interest the viewer before sowing the contributers to the film.
neither do anything fancy with the writing of the titles. they only appear and fade out. there aren't any effects on them. the titles in flash gordon are yellow which goes makes a nice contrast to the black background. the colour reflcets joy and happiness so it suggests the film will be easy viewing and exciting.
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