the title design company i like the best is l'E.S.T. they did the titles for lord of war. i remember watching the opening sequence or lord of war when the film came out and being amazed that someone could actually portray a bullets life. that's what the titles are. it following what a bullet goes through. from when its being made in a factory to when it's being used for guns in Cuba (what the films suggests). the titles are fairly plain but stand out as they're white and thwe background is colourful or dark most of the time. the song played through the sequence is 'For what its worth' by Buffulo springfield, and sums up the film nicely. the fact that the lead character risks it all to earn money. the film is highly based around weapons so the bullet scene at the beginning is a great introduction. it's one of my favourite introdutions. i's mostly CGI but looks fantastic.
i also watched a film called 'le convoyeur' and remember the intrduction being reallyinteresting. i liked the way the action could transform into the title. i couldn't find a movie of it on the internet but found an image that demostrates what i just said about the title resembling the action. both title sequences are made by l'E.S.T and both look visually stunning but the idea is simplicity more than anything. they might have been hard to do but the idea was simple enough for both of them. the txt for both of them is white. it compliments the background nicely and works well.

i also watched a film called 'le convoyeur' and remember the intrduction being reallyinteresting. i liked the way the action could transform into the title. i couldn't find a movie of it on the internet but found an image that demostrates what i just said about the title resembling the action. both title sequences are made by l'E.S.T and both look visually stunning but the idea is simplicity more than anything. they might have been hard to do but the idea was simple enough for both of them. the txt for both of them is white. it compliments the background nicely and works well.

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