research - brimstone


my preliminary ideas for my film opening are very similar to an old television series that ran in the nineties. the television show was called, 'brimstone'. it only ran for one season (1998-1999) so it wasn't too successful but the idea behind it does share similarities with my film opening idea.

the show was about a police detective who was assigned by the devil to return to earth to bring back 113 spirits that have escaped. the main 
character is very similar because my idea was a war veteran. this is very similar to the shows main character being a policeman. the main character returns to earth. despite his reasoning behind returning, this idea is similar to my idea aswell. 

i think that the idea that the devil assigns him to return to earth is a great idea for a plot but i'm going to stick to my idea. i might work on it a little. i'll come up with a stronger plot idea 
and think of my heroes reasoning behind returning to earth.

i like the title font for brimstone as well. i think it looks really good and suits my film idea. it's pleasing to the eye as well. by that i mean it looks interesting. there are many titles that look boring and don't work. for example, the only films that should have red titles are horror films.