terminator 2 introduction

my initial idea for my film opening is you don't quite know whether or not the main character is good or not. the name suggests that the film is dark and based on fiction. the name 'reaper', sounds as if the character takes peoples souls and isn't good. this idea is to create mystery which is good in comic book idea films. the wolverine in x-men is a mysterious character in that you don't know where he came from or who he is. this is the sam idea i want to achieve.

the idea that you don't know whether the main character is good or not is like the introduction to terminator 2 ( 1991). in the first film Arnold Schwarzenegger was a bad guy in the film. he was sent back in time to kill the the mother or future  leader of resistance John Connor. in the second film he returns looking for John Connor but you don't know if he's back to kill him or not. your initial thought is he's returned to do what he was meant to do in the first film. this sense of mystery and confusion is what i want to achieve in my film opening. 

in the opening to a film, it needs to have something that makes you want to watch on. mystery is a great tool because people immediately get drawn into the plot.